Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rainy in Rio

I could liken my experience in Brazil to that of a love/hate relationship....and my rainy weekend in Rio de Janeiro was Brazil hating on me.  I'll spare you the gray/cloudy/rain splattered pictures from most of the weekend and just share a few from our last few hours there when the sun decided to peak out for a few hours.  We did make it up to the Christo, though we had to hang out for quite a while as we waited for clouds to pass so we could get a view of the city, and even the Christo itself.  Having the Christo disappear then reappear over and over had a certain ambiance to it that you wouldn't get to experience on a sunny clear day and just the experience of standing in a cloud was pretty interesting. I must say that despite the clouds and rain, it is still one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen and it will be well worth the effort to try again another weekend.
PS. I tried to include some pics from walking on the beaches but I could not find one that would be work appropriate :) and yes, the stereo types are true.

Sunrise view from the hotel room

Rooftop infinity pool (something I have always wanted to experience and it was awesome!!!!)

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